8667 Hampton Bay Place$1,875,000Property Tax (2018): $29,073.90Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.55%Buyer: Mohamed Ali and Noha EyadaSeller: Gregory J. and Norma L. Gluchowski
1696 Riverwood Trail$375,000Property Tax (2018): $4,805.70Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.28%Buyer: Phillip and Emily RathgeSeller: Michael D. Gruber
5725 Meadowview Drive$322,000Property Tax (2018): $4,330.60Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.34%Buyer: Nikhil Kumar VemulaSeller: Sunit K. and Puja Mishra
6903 Hummingbird Drive$340,000Property Tax (2018): $4,148.30Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.22%Buyer: Zafarjon Urayev, Latofat Sulaymonova and Laylo ShoyikulovaSeller: Stephanie D. and Kenneth Binford
5486 Harbourside Drive$248,500Property Tax (2018): $3,033.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.22%Buyer: Richard Scott Chambers (trustee) and Chambers Family (living trust)Seller: Wahnoka T By a/F Schott and Leo Anthony as A./F. Schott Jr.
9598 Fox Creek Lane$495,000Property Tax (2018): $7,666.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.55%Buyer: Paul L. Weibel (trustee) (trust)Seller: Rebecca and Pamela M. McDaniel
5884 Timber Rail Lane$362,500Property Tax (2018): $3,854.62Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.06%Buyer: Shane Spring and Kaylynn SpringSeller: Matthew Michael and Jennifer Ann Hahn
7807 Bay Shore$360,000Property Tax (2018): $5,614.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.56%Buyer: Karen LivesSeller: Girlie L. and Michael T. Finkel
4507 North Shore Drive$110,000Property Tax (2018): $1,900.22Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.73%Buyer: Karl D GroveSeller: Diana Layman, Diana R King and Diana R Deck
5029 Hampton Village Drive$682,800Property Tax (2018): $8,572.80Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.26%Buyer: Sapna Gupta and Priyesh MehtaSeller: James Michael and Beth Fraser Heydt
7621 Ivy Grove Place$510,000Property Tax (2018): $7,668.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.50%Buyer: Swapna and Rajkumar JuturuSeller: Darryl P. and Jacqueline J. Johnson